
Scalability is the Key

Those who believe that start-ups are destined for rapid growth, acknowledge that scalability is the key. Therein lies the difference between a start-up and a business. A start-up is essentially an idea that can quickly be turned into a profitable company. Small businesses which simply do not have a vision or a growth plan to scale can never be termed as start-ups for the same reason. These businesses, although self-sustaining and at times huge in nature, are small in terms of design and therefore deemed non investable. Most investors put their money into ideas and businesses which can be scaled and most start-ups strive for a scalable and high growth business model.

The A team: set up and retain the best people

One question that usually escapes the minds of most entrepreneurs today is: Is there anything else I need to do once I have all the funding and market research that I require before I hit the start button? It so happens that attracting top talent and retaining them through the initial months and years is for sure, one of the true catalysts for ensuring success for your start-up. Why is a strong core team indispensable?